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Coronavirus Covid-19


Your stay at “Tideswell” may be a little different to the norm; however, we are confident that it will be no-less satisfying and enjoyable  


We have taken appropriate steps to properly prepare for your visit.

We are proud "Tideswell" has achieved the AA 'Covid-confident' and Visit Engalnd's "We're Good to Go" accreditations 

{click on icons above to view Certificates}

your health and well-being are paramount


Risk Assessment 

  • A detailed analysis has been produced identifiing the key hazards to be addressed, the people potentially affected, the actions that have been established to mitigate the risk and the ongoing actions needed


Change-over Cleaning

  • A comprehensive plan has been prepared that supplements the thorough cleaning traditionally undertaken with specific additional measures required to combat the threat of the virus. 

  • The plan is based on the cleaning protocols produced by the Professional Association of Self-Caterers (PASC) in conjunction with Public Health authorities and tourist boards.

  • It defines the tasks to be carried-out at each change-over, the cleaning materials and anti-viral products to be used for each surface, the touch-points to be sanitised, the procedures for dealing with bed-linen and towels and ventilation of the apartment.

  • House-keeping staff have undertaken specific training and are provided with disposable personal protection equipment, appropriate anti-viral cleaning materials and disposable cleaning cloths and have  


Additional precautions

  • A small adjustment has been made to allow more time for change-overs.  Arrival from 17.00 (5 p.m|) /  Departure by 09.00 (9.a.m.)

  • Hand-sanitizer is available via dispensers; Signage emphasising NHS guidelines;  NHS QR code poster. 

  • Anti-viral spray, hand-wash, disposable gloves are available for guests.

  • Books, entertainment media, decorative soft-furnishings, ornaments have been removed to mitigate the risk of cross-contamination   


Important changes to booking arrangements : applicable in 2021 for Covid-19

  • Guests may choose a full refund or future-stay voucher equivalent to fees paid if they are prevented from travelling to "Tideswell" by UK Government regulations.

  • Guests must not travel to "Tideswell" if any member of the party has symptoms of Covid-19, has tested positive for the virus, or been advised to self-isolate by NHS Test & Trace within 14 days prior to arrival.  A future-stay voucher equivalent to the fees paid is granted.

  • Guests must vacate "Tideswell" immediately if anyone exhibits symptoms of Covid-19, tests positive for the virus, is advised to self-isolate by NHS Test & Trace or are instructed to leave by UK Government regulations. A future-stay voucher for the number of days remaining in the stay will be granted.  "Tideswell" cannot be used for Covid-19 isolation.

  • Guests are requested to adhere to the UK Government guidelines on hygiene and social-distancing during their stay at "Tideswell"

  • Guests are advised to have suitable travel insurance


"Tideswell" - for the holiday of your dreams

© 2022            "Tideswell @ Coverack Headland" 

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